About Us

Dear user, we congratulate you for choosing the SUPERIOR QUALITY BAROMETER of businesses and trades, with ONE RECOMMENDATION in every town in the United States.

SuperiorQuality.net is the tool for customers looking for goods and services of exceptional quality at decent prices. We have filtered and compared for you businesses, companies and trades and we have displayed and promoted in each locality only the best in its branch or field!

As Superior is a Superlative, so in each city there can be only one result, only one option, only one recommendation made by us. www.superiorquality.net presents the domains in which we COMPARED the best and chose the SUPERIOR QUALITY for our website visitors!

There is ONE result, ONE option, ONLY one HIGH QUALITY RECOMMENDATION in each locality of the following Businesses/Companies/Trades:

  • Florist
  • Hair Stylist
  • Animal Caretaker

We are an objective barometer and we ask you to vote for the company in your city on each page and with each of our recommendations, and if you have already benefited from their services and products, please leave us your opinion on this. We can create Safety and Trust, Quality and Guarantee through our involvement together with you. Why would you waste a few minutes of your day to contribute your opinion on this site? Because a reasoned and objective opinion can help dozens of other potential clients from each locality to choose the BEST.

A TOP QUALITY Company promoted on this site will not be maintained on our site if its clients have made complaints. Customer satisfaction is REALLY Guaranteed on this site – we don’t use big words, we show RESULTS and TRUST!

The idea to build this site came from our position as users and consumers of general or specialized goods and services that we hope to be of high quality. Unfortunately, not always our choices to work with different entities turned out to be the best choice. That’s when we chose to PROMOTE THE BEST in usual and necessary fields for every normal consumer.

Are you wondering how we do this? Initially, I chose the most popular results from each field. I spent hundreds of hours reading consumer reviews through available channels: forums, google reviews, comments on various sites, financial statistics.

We offered a place on this site ONLY to the first 5, the BEST, from each locality and their field. Among them, we considered that the one who will respond to our request first and conclude a contract with us is also the one who will offer his clients the fastest response due to his determination and openness to new things, based on quality assurance.

We tried to convince every potential beneficiary about the need for GUARANTEED QUALITY! Only those with a quality mentality who understood and embraced our aspirations were chosen to sign the contract. We all understood and chose that there is no more room for Deception and Cheating.

We do not forget that we also offer services and, like you, we embrace the concept of SUPERIOR QUALITY in all stages of the process of interacting with the client and achieving the result for which we were chosen.

Thus, if you also offer other services or are able to be promoted by https://superiorquality.net, we invite you to promote yourself through this site. Call us, Register and Fill in the sections and if you pass our check and your customers were satisfied, you will have your own page on this website.

If your profession or business does not yet have a section, please propose a section and if you are the best in the locality, we will build it. We are forced to request a modest amount of money, not to get rich, but to have the financial resources necessary to promote our concept so that more and more people can benefit from SUPERIOR QUALITY. Together with your support, we will create a national brand concept in which we can call on the services of third parties, being sure that we will have the best results!